Paying Your Bills

Good Flowing. Here are some tips from around the web that make paying your bills a more pleasurable experience. It’s all about the attitude of gratitude.

This is a task that no one really likes, but it must be done. Here are a few tips to make sure they are paid with the right attitude.

It’s all about the attitude of gratitude.

Remember there is a gift in every adversity.

from Anne Sermon Gillis

Paying Bills – Paying is Self-Investment

Some people resent paying bills while others feel anxiety or fear. Since thoughts are either blessings or curses, negative feelings during bill paying curse our money. The negative feelings are money voodoo. Not only do you feel bad while paying the bill, which is uncomfortable enough, but you infuse your transaction with demons of lack (a demon is a strong negative thought).

There are varying degrees of the problem, but whether you feel mildly irritated or wildly out of control while paying bills, you can benefit by turning bill paying into a sacred event.

Make a space for conscious and compassionate bill paying. Reform your thoughts while paying bills and rather than thinking of paying as loosing, think of it as investing. Give thanks for everything you have received from your expenditures and bless all who receive your money. Do not resent the people or companies to whom you pay your bills. They had faith in you that you would pay your bills so they advanced you the good and services.

Consider lighting green candles, playing soft music and infusing your room with aroma therapy oils. You can easily create your own bill paying ritual to reverse the ordinary ritual of unconsciousness or negativity. Write a bill paying prayer or use the follow prayer to start your ritual:

Bill Paying Prayer for Blessing Each Check or Electronic Funds Transfer

I give thanks for all the goods and services I receive.  I bless my check (transaction, eft) and fill it with positive energy and well-being. YES!

If you write a paper check use the following acronym EDICBTMM in the memo line. (Every Dollar I circulate comes back to me multiplied).

An interesting piece of synchronicity occurred while I was writing this. I received a phone solicitation from Discover soliciting credit card money transfers at a low interest rate. Jonathon was brimming with excitement over all the money I could save. “I don’t have any credit card debt.” “What a blessing.” he replied. “Do you have any dental or medical bills you need to pay off?”  “No,” I replied “I have no debt.”  Jonathan, “Oh, what a blessing!” It seemed like he delivered confirmation of the sacredness of bill paying. Even though he did not get a balance transfer, we had our moment, and with smiling faces, we hung up feeling lighter.

And so it came to pass in your life, an abundance of unlimited good things and the wisdom to experience the rich and extraordinary nature of life. SO Be It

© 2005 Anne Sermons Gillis

Use Paying Bills as An Opportunity to Practice Gratitude

from Eric Ravenscraft

Most of us hate paying bills. It’s the worst part of our financial lives: shelling out all that hard-earned cash. However, this may be the best time to practice that incredibly difficult concept: gratitude.

As finance blog Get Rich Slowly points out, every bill you have, no matter how high or how stressful, is indicative of something you either have or will receive. Sure, you earned it and it’s yours by the sweat of your brow, but you still have it: a home, an education, a car, even a smartphone. They’re all things that enrich your life:

I don’t remember where I heard this, but I love the idea of renaming bills “Invoices for Blessings Already Received.” Any time we have debt, we’re simply repaying someone for something of value that we have already received. So instead of looking at your credit card or loan statements with dread, why not get into gratitude? Go through and list out all of the blessings that you’re still paying for. Perhaps it was a wonderful family vacation that, though you couldn’t pay for it in cash at the time, you’re still enjoying the memories from. Maybe it was your college education, medical procedures, or furniture that you’re using and enjoying today.

It might sound hokey and a little bit cheesy, but gratitude should probably already be part of your daily routine. Taking a moment while paying your bills to appreciate what you have in life will do wonders not only in making the checks less miserable to write, but also in making you generally happier as a person.


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